Saturday, January 26, 2013

Daily Dose 1-26-13

Exodus 2:14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
We are all on a journey of learning more about God and who He is. The fear Moses experienced at the burning bush must have been great. To hear the voice of God from the bush was enough; but to be given such a huge assignment was unbelievable. How could God use Moses, an orphan, a murderer, and exile on the run? The answer was simple, “I am.” God intended to use a man whose heart was passionate for God and His people. He had weaknesses and disadvantages, but it didn’t matter because God pledged His support and assistance. Is God calling you to a mission you don’t think you are capable of accomplishing? The truth is, you probably can’t – but with I AM in you – all things are possible.
Great I AM, So often I am full of “I can’t” and worries of failing or disappointing You or others. Help me remember that when I can’t, I AM in me can! Empower me through Your Spirit to do what You would have me to do. No assignment from You is too small or too great.

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