Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in
Faith can be tricky at times. If we take these words of Jesus to
heart, then why should we have any disappointment in life? Everything should
always be just as we want, if we just believe, right? If you look at only this
excerpt from the life of Jesus, then yes. However, if you read further, you see
Jesus begged God for another solution than the cross. He did not want to endure
the suffering. There was no question as to whether or not Jesus had enough
faith, so why didn’t God say yes? Jesus shows us the power of a believing heart
in this scripture, but lives the example of a submitted heart when facing the
cross. God can move the mountains we face into the sea if we ask, but sometimes
there is a bigger picture. In some cases, climbing the mountain may increase
our faith, and the faith of others, through the process. A submitted, obedient
heart believes the mountain can move but is willing to climb it just the same –
either way God brings the overcoming victory!
Father, I see mountains in front of me. I know You can level them with
a blink of Your eye. I DO believe. Yet, I have also learned that when You help
me climb mountains, I am stronger because of it. Give me Your piece to know
which path to choose. I trust You! Amen