No matter how strong our faith, there are still challenges in life that bring anxiety and fear. God’s call is not to chastise us for not having enough faith; it is to encourage and remind us of His ever-faithful presence in our lives. It’s not always easy to do, but we must learn to pause in our struggle and completely turn it over to God in sacrifice. Somehow, we feel better about a situation when we can control the outcome. That is a direct manipulation from satan to keep us focused on circumstances instead of the One who controls the circumstances. Give your fears and concerns to the One who CAN bring control to chaos, life to loneliness, and victory to vulnerability.
Father, I am so naive to think that I can control situations, and prideful to think that I should! Forgive my worry and busyness – it is not from You. Let me rest in the comfort of Your embrace and the submission to Your control. Amen
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