Sunday, March 4, 2012

Daily Dose 3-4-12

 John 11:35 Jesus Wept.

This, the shortest verse in the Bible, speaks volumes about our Savior. Our hurts break His heart. Some may wonder why He wept when He knew He was going to bring Lazarus back to life. Why didn’t He rush in and say, “Don’t be sad. Don’t worry…I got this under control”? Maybe it’s because Jesus is with us in life’s moments. He saw their grief and He grieved for and with them. He didn’t offer solutions, quote scriptures, or search for eloquent words. He simply wept with them. Jesus teaches us the importance of just being present with people who are hurting. In tragedies so great, there is truly nothing you can say or do to remove the pain or take away the grief. The best words you can speak are those uttered in prayer to the only One who can provide true comfort. Be present and be prayerful.

Father, My heart is broken for those I love who are suffering unspeakable loss. I know You love them more than I can imagine. Be close to them. Lift them up. Fill the cracks of their broken hearts with precious memories and new joys You will bring to their lives. I love You. Amen

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