Sunday, February 16, 2020

Daily Dose 2-16-20

Mark 1:40-41 (MSG) A leper came to him, begging on his knees, "If you want to, you can cleanse me." Deeply moved, Jesus put out his hand, touched him, and said, "I want to. Be clean." Then and there the leprosy was gone, his skin smooth and healthy.

Many of us who have known the LORD a long time have little trouble believing His ability to great things for His people. We know in our hearts and minds the power and strength that raised Jesus from the dead is not dead – it is alive and active today. Often, our faith struggle comes from believing God would use His power on us. Can you relate to the man with leprosy? Do you approach Jesus with, “If You want to?” We know that Jesus knows us too well. We know He is aware of our shortcomings and sins. If you can relate to this man, take a lesson from his boldness. What we see in these verses is his humility and doubt – not in Jesus, but whether or not Jesus would consider him worthy. However, the fact that he was there at all speaks volumes. Leprosy was an alienating disease. Not only was there physical pain and discomfort, but also because of the fear of spread, lepers were banished from society. There were supposed to remain a safe distance from people a yell, “Unclean!” if anyone approached them. Imagine the loneliness this man had endured. He was as starved for an emotional touch as he was for physical healing. Can you relate even more? Have you been abandoned or discounted in relationships? Have you allowed the value – or lack of – others place on you determine your value before Him? If you can relate to this man, gather his courage and boldly go to Jesus with all your hurts, disappointments and rejection. Imagine His hand extending to you saying, “I want to.”  He is ready to do big things in your life whether it’s removing your burdens or helping you carry them. Instead of approaching Him with, “If You will,” try, “I am here because I know You can!”

Dear Jesus, I am lonely at times, but because of you, I am never alone. Thank you for the value You place on me – as unworthy as I may be. Strengthen my faith to be bold and believing in Your best for ME! I love You! Amen

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