Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Daily Dose 1-29-19

Matthew 19:21-22 (MSG) "If you want to give it all you've got," Jesus replied, "go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me." That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crest-fallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn't bear to let go.

We often look at the young man in this story with a judgmental eye, thinking that we would never let wealth stand in our way of following Jesus – especially if He was standing right in front of us! The deal is, Jesus knew that was the one thing that the man would put in front of Him. He knew that when push came to shove, wealth and power would come before a choice to stand for Him. Jesus just let the man choose upfront before he started following. If you consider yourself a follower now, what is it that you would cling to if Jesus said to let it go? What is it that divides your heart? Are you someone who would easily sell all your possessions and give to the poor, yet you still hold on to the hurt and unforgiveness toward someone who did you wrong? Do you easily forgive in situations where it’s called for, but put relationships with family and friends before following Jesus? Are you someone who has prioritized possessions, forgiveness and relationships appropriately in line with Jesus, but hold on to fear and insecurity instead of stepping boldly into the mission Jesus has for you? Put yourself back in that story. What is it Jesus would ask you to sacrifice to follow Him? Know this – He IS asking! Are you willing?

Father, I can’t imagine the sacrifice that You made in allowing Jesus to be the sacrifice for me. His willingness to follow Your will above His own for my benefit should motivate me to live more boldly for Him. Help me to see what’s in my way and give me the courage to let go! I love You! Amen

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