Psalm 68:19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears
our burdens.
Life is supposed to be easy for Christians, right? We have the
Almighty God of the universe watching over us with countless examples in
scripture of rescue and victory for those who believe and trust in Him. We
recount passages like “I can do all things…If He is for us… If you have faith
of a mustard seed…” Through these scriptures we lay hold to the fact that God
is God and He can move mountains out of our way. He is still the miracle
business. He adores His children and hates to see them suffer. All of that is
true, but in the midst of faith life happens. How we react to pain, hurt and
disappointment says as much, if not more, about our faith than when we claim
scriptures for victory. God doesn’t promise life will always be easy, but He
does promise to see us through each little bump in the road, mountain before
us, or unspeakable grief. What burden are you bearing today? Know that whatever
grieves your heart, breaks the heart of God. He is with you through each trial
and carries you through each day. If God is so loving and compassionate, why
does He allow His children to suffer? That’s tough to answer. We can’t see the
full picture here, but one day all mysteries will be revealed. Believing God is
trusting Him to carry your burdens instead of rebelling against Him because
burdens come your way. Loving God is turning to Him as your comfort in pain.
Honoring God is standing in faith when the storms of life hit hard. What is
your burden? Look to Him to help carry your load!
Father, My heart is heavy for those I love who I know trust You, but
have unspeakable loss and hardships to endure. I don’t understand why these
things happen, but I trust You. In the midst of pain, bring healing. In the
midst of sorrow, bring joy. In the midst of struggles, bring relief. While I
grieve with and for Your children who are burdened, I realize their pain is not
as great as those who do not know You. Therefore, in the midst of lost hearts,
bring salvation! I love You…no matter what. Amen
Absolute truth! Barbara